Once upon a time, I wrote a list 31 plays you should check out ASAP. (And if you haven’t read those, what are you waiting for?)
When I wrote the list, I acknowledged it wasn’t very diverse. I also listed a lot of people I know personally. I’m not saying I don’t know anyone personally on this list but I wanted to expand who I was reading. So below are 20 more plays for you to read. Each one written by a BIPOC playwright and each one is on NPX*.
- Good Cuban Girls by Iraissa Ann Reilly
- Lyon’s Den by TJ Young
- Emergency Contact by Nick Malakhov
- Nollywood Dreams by Jocelyn Bioh
- Ghost of Bogota by Diana Burbano
- The Good Minister from Harare by June Carryl
- Saints Go Marching by Matt Barbot
- The Diplomats by Nelson Diaz-Marcano
- There and Back by Raul Garcia
- The Legend of… by Henry Kelly
- Scraps by Geraldine Inoa
- A Place to Belong by Marisela Treviño Orta
- Sanctuary by Milta Ortiz
- The Homecoming Queen by Ngozi Anyanwu
- In the Upper Room by Beaufield Barry
- The Woods by Jahna Ferron-Smith
- Whitelisted by Chisa Hutchinson
- Shining by Aidaa Peerzada
- Dream House by Eliana Pipes
- The Light by Loy Webb
*PS NaTosha DeVon isn’t on NPX but you should check her work out.
Seriously, y’all. There’s no excuse. Start reading more plays by writers who are not white (cis)men.
*ahem* Also, here are the original 31 on my old list in case you don’t click the link
NOTE: Not all these plays are by BIPOC playwrights. This first list was just highlighting women and GNC folk.
- Flex by Candrice Jones
- Always Plenty of Light at the Starlight All Night Diner by Darcy Parker Bruce
- We are a Masterpiece by Gina Femia
- Am I White by Adrienne Dawes
- 23 Opinions No One Wanted by Britt A. Willis
- Fukt by Emma Goldman-Sherman
- Babel by Jacqueline Goldfinger
- Alabaster by Audrey Cefaly
- they were dancing by Jaisey Bates
- In the End by Sharai Bohannon
- Black Super Hero Magic Mama by Inda Craig Galván
- Canopy bt Rachael Carnes
- Funny, Like an Abortion by Rachel Bublitz
- be mean to me by Sofya Levitsky-Weitz
- Tiny, Thin Woman Inside by Courtney Meaker
- Legacy Land by Stacey Rose
- Brilliant Works of Art by Donna Hoke
- Rain and Zoe Save the World by Crystal Skillman
- Pass Over by Michelle Tyrene Johnson
- Bathsheba’s Psalms, Or A Woman of Unusual Beauty Taking a Bath by April Ranger
- Sinner Man by Liz Maestri
- The Good Girl is Gone* by DW Gregory
- The Gun Show* by EM Lewis
- Carlo at the Wedding* by Bryna Turner
- How to Defend Yourself by Lily Padilla
- Thrive, Or What You Will by LM Feldman
- Your Best One* by Meredith Friedman
- The Man in the Sukkah by Deborah Yarchun
- Cercle Hermaphroditos by Shualee Cook
- Ash Tree by Georgina Escobar
- Hazardous Materials by Beth Kander